What is Sciton SkinTyte?

SkinTyte is a non-invasive, skin firming treatment which delivers targeted deep heating deep into the skin, which offers a rejuvenated skin appearance for the face and body. It is suitable for all skin types and can offer significant skin tightening, without invasive surgery.

How does Sciton SkinTyte work?

Sciton SkinTyte uses BroadBand Light, an innovative technology which uniquely delivers light therapy for a range of skin concerns. SkinTyte uses rapid but gentle pulses of BroadBand light, heating the soft tissues and leading to a tighter and more youthful appearance. 

Does SkinTyte hurt?

During your treatment, a combination of dermal heating plus epidermal cooling is used, so that you remain comfortable throughout the session.

Which areas are commonly treated with Sciton SkinTyte?

Most areas can benefit from skin tightening with Sciton SkinTyte, however, the most commonly treated areas include:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Decollete
  • Arms and elbows
  • Legs and knees
  • Hands and feet
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Buttocks
  • Is Sciton

Is Sciton SkinTyte safe?

SkinTyte is safe for most people, although there are some contraindications that can affect the healing process. We will check your medical history and what to expect during and after your Sciton SkinTyte treatment in a no obligation consultation.