You may suffer from a skin condition such as psoriasis or eczema, which can impact your scalp condition. For other people, you may have excess oil and product build up which clogs hair follicles, or oxidative stress in which the structure of skin cells is damaged. Whatever the reason for your poor scalp condition, the team at Nish Clinic are here to help.
Once we’ve reviewed your scalp condition, we’ll recommend an appropriate treatment solution. This could be one or more of the following:
The treatments we offer are proven to be safe and effective but, as with any procedure, you may experience some mild side effects that will depend on the treatment you undergo. Our team will explain everything you can expect, and any potential complications that may occur, during a detailed and personalised consultation.
You can expect a reduction in dryness and itchiness following a scalp treatment, which should also improve your hair quality. A course of treatments is always recommended for ongoing results.